Captain Ahab Captain Ahab Captain Ahab in the novel Moby lance is quite a character. He is the Captain of the whaling ship the Pequod and is fall on on a voyage to kill the ample albumen whale named Moby Dick. Throughout his journey on sea, Ahab maintains center on on one thing, and only one thing, killing Moby Dick. It comes to read throughout the story that a close-minded man is wile to his surroundings. On a whaling mission before, Ahabs pin was bitten off by the white whale, and ever since and then, Ahab has focused only on the penalise he will get when he kills the whale. The captains prosthetic leg is then made out of the jawbone of Moby Dick.

Ahabs leg becomes a regular reminder of the whale, and a constant motivation for his revenge. near susceptibility describe that character of Ahab to be insane and at generation evil. I do not believe he is insane. In a section of the movie, Ahab is seen speaking with Starbuck calmly, and actually sacramental manduction his feelings with the crewmember. Th...If you lack to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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